Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pacific Museum of the Earth

We had a great day out at UBC on Thursday. Highlights include:
the weather
playing frisbee
our AWESOME tour guide "Josh"
the hands-on displays
the weather
if you wish to view all the pictures, click HERE

The Power of Ice

So, I wanted to cool my Diet Coke down quickly so I put it in the staffroom freezer.
Needless to say, I had a pretty good clean-up job to do.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


This blog will be shut down soon. Why?

Lately there have been too many students leaving harsh and unnecessary comments. I have not posted them, but until they are owned up to, I cannot allow the site to continue.

For those who have been using the site for its intended purpose - thank you and I'm sorry.

For those who wish to send insults and criticisms to your teacher, please just e-mail them to me at

I'd be happy to discuss your opinions with you.

Mr. Campbell

Monday, May 07, 2007


Today in 7C, we had "SILENT DAY". A chance to practice options to vocal communcation, a chance to bw silent, even while learning new concepts. The rule of silence applied to EVERYONE in the classroom (teachers included) and met with resounding success (pun intended). We even learned the ASL alphabet and numbers, aswell as some basic signs such as "toilet", "thank you", "sit". Congratulations and thank you to all who participated so well today.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Greek Urns

We are making great progress on our Greek urns. This is a major art project that supports our study of Ancient Greece. With so much effort and time being invested into this project,
my hope is that they will be treasured for years to come...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bible Memory

To answer a couple of questions . . .

For the next couple of weeks I will be testing students on Bible verses that we have already tested this year. This includes any of the verses in the grades 4-7 memory work listed in the front of this student agenda.

If you click the link to the right, you'll see that some think this is "harsh". My desire (and the purpose of the Bible memory program at SCS) is that students will commit these verses to memory for the long-term, not just for the predictable Friday quiz.

For some, this will require significant study. All students will be expected to pass these quizzes. For others, the vast majority of these verses are already memorized and will require little review.

Mr. Campbell

Monday, April 16, 2007


This morning we were blessed to have Ryan Walter (former NHL star) speak to the students about being hungry for God. Ryan brought with him the unique perspective of a Stanley Cup champion (and even passed around his 1986 Stanley Cup ring!).

Ryan challenged students to be focussed towards goals, to know where they're going, and to stay "Hungry!".
Mr. Bron seeking focus.

Name the Baby Contest

Mr. Campbell has a new niece!
Born: Saturday, April 14 @ 6pm in Victoria, BC
Weight: 9lbs. 6oz.

Name: that's the contest!

Leave a comment to this post, guessing the name of the baby. (Be sure to leave your own name.) If you are correct, you will get a FANTASTIC prize.

Welcome Back 8C . . .

. . . and welcome to the 7c Blog.
I hope you had a great trip on the Grace. I was glad to be able to see you off last Monday. If you would like to see the pictures that I took, click HERE


Or for the pics that Ms. Mac took (that are way better than mine) click HERE

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Walk-a-Thon

A HUGE thank you to all those who participated in the walk-a-thon. Each grade was to come up with a student-driven fund-raiser for the grass field. The grade sevens raised almost $6000 through their efforts. (That's 60 square meters of grass!) Thank you!

As a class, 7C raised over $2000. As the top earning class, we will be having a pizza lunch courtesy of the grade 7 teachers one day next week. Way to go!

If there is any money still to be collected and turned in, please get that taken care of ASAP.

Where we're at . . .

So what's going on in 7C now?
Here's a quick look:

Language Arts:
The students are in the middle of an independent novel study. All students are reading an historical fiction novel, and we will be working through a small project that will be do at the end of April.

Social Studies:
For those that came out to Greek Night, you know that we're studying Ancient Greece. There is so much to take in when looking at the Greek world of 2500 years ago. Students have looked at Homer's Iliad, the rise of city-states, major political figures in Athens, and now the rising conflict between Athens and Sparta. All students are also well on their way to creating Greek urns from paper-mache. (A long standing tradition at Surrey Christian.)

We are currently wrapping up a short geometry unit. We have looked at measuring circumference, classifying and measuring angles, and how angles are related (with transversals and parallel lines), and at triangles. Our quiz is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16.

The Isrealites have returned from captivity in Babylon and are trying to rebuild Jerusalem. Facing many obstacles (famine, arguments, threat of invasion), they continue to struggle to follow the covenant layed out for them.
Bible memory: See link on the right ->

Much to Mr. Bron's disappointment (why don't these kids love basketball?), the students are thoroughly enjoying our badminton unit. Vast improvements already. Do YOU know the new rules?

Everything else . . .
The band sounds great, I am getting good reports from Ms. Marissen (French), and everything else that fills our day is going well.

Where we've been . . .

Over the past few months, we've been busy finishing our chemistry unit in science, our The Giver novel study, and many other units and activities.
We're through second-term report carrds, spring break, coffee house, grandparents day, and now student-led conferences.

As a class we've stayed amazingly healthy, spirited, and confident. I am proud of how well this class is progressing in all subject areas. (pictures will follow soon . . .)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Science World: take 3

We made it! A Science World day without snow - finally.
A great day of exploration and discovery was had by all. Now we get to look forward to some "in-school" learning (for a change).
Thank you to the parents who were able to join us today - we couldn't do it without you.

stay tuned for more pictures . . .

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Winter Exploratory Day

Our first Cypress Mountain day of the year was a HUGE success. From the classy highway coach transportation to the skiing and snowshoeing to the thrill of ice-tubing - the day was a blast.

Here are some quotes from the day . . .

"This is the funnest thing I've ever done!"

"This is the best field-trip ever."

"This is way better than I thought it would be."

"It took a while to get the hang of skiing, but now I get it and it's great!"

"I thought I was going to die..."

Here are three links to online albums from the day. Enjoy.