Thursday, December 21, 2006

Angels and Stars

This is a crazy season.
As I write this, my class is working silently at finishing off their Egypt test.
Silently. On the penultimate day of school.
I feel blessed to be their teacher.

Here are a couple of pictures of my
angel and my star in their church
Christmas program.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I love cards games (using real cards). No screens. Great "people-time". Appeals to my competitive nature.

Today we learned to play Rummy 500. I look forward to teaching cribbage too. Take some time to play over the Christmas break.

You may click HERE for rules to Rummy.

Amazing . . .

Thanks to the great teaching of Ms. Young, the students of 7c were once again able to showcase some of their artistic talent. Using chalk pastels, amazing Christmas scenes were drawn on black construction paper. Amazing.

Michael's "Three Magi"

Jenessa's "Desert Scape"

Karli's "Star over Bethlehem"

Derek's finally caught on film. (He avoids the camera like I avoid brussel sprouts!)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Imagine . . .

You know what would be cool?
If this blog could (at times) be a place of not just Mr. Campbell
GIVING info, but students used it as a group study centre.

Do you have a good (and accurate) answer to any of the "More on Egypt" posts?
Share your knowledge. Your classmates may be able to learn from YOUR new ideas.
Try it!

More on Egypt - Hieroglyphics

What is this stone?
Why was it important?
Who found it?
Who unlocked its secrets?

Talk amongst yourselves.

Monday, December 18, 2006

more on Egypt - the Nile

Why was the Nile so important? What would Egypt be without the Nile? Why?

Think about it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Egypt Study Guide

If you would like to view a study guide for next week's Egypt test, you can click HERE.

more on egypt

Can you imagine if Mr. Campbell asked you to write your name in hieroglyphics? How would you do it.

Well, you could click here or even here to find out.


We had a great time reading today. We devoted a good part of our day to immersing ourselves in literature. With the aid of cozy blankets, pillows, a stuffed animal or two, and a little hot chocolate, reading day was a success

Monday, December 11, 2006

Have you ever wondered why Egyptians made mummies?

How about all those crazy things that were buried with them?
You know. The um . . . . things . . . . and some of those other things.
Why were the pyramids built?

What amazing realization was made concerning who built the pyamids? What evidence proves this?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Reading Log

If you have not yet seen the new reading log, here it is. Thank you for taking the time to review your child's weekly reading. Reading is important. I can't stress that enough. Please encourage your child's reading and set aside time each night (or MOST nights) for some silent reading.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Science World: take 2

We will be heading to Science World on Thursday, January 11. That is our first week back after Christmas holidays.

December is such a busy month, this gives us something to look forward to in January.

We will still need parents to join us, so . . . any takers?

How are you spending your snow day?

Leave a comment telling us all how you "use" your snow day. Homework I'm sure . . .

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Thursday, November 30.
Due to icy roads and our bus service not running, Surrey Christian will be closed.

I will try to reschedule Science World.

See you Friday.

Mr. C.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Science World

If you (parents) are able to accompany us to Science World this Thursday, it will be an "all-expenses-paid-trip" (transportation and entrance). We need about THREE parents from each grade seven class to come. If you are able, please put a note in your child's planner, or e-mail me at (see side link).

Thank you.

Egg Drop 2006

Despite sub-zero temperatures, the egg drop was a RESOUNDING SUCCESS. Thank you to all students and parents that put effort and time into creating some amazing egg-drop machines.
For additional pictures, click HERE.

Bible Memory

Bible memory will be as follows:

April 20 - any two verses from grades 4 - 7 memory work
April 27 - any two verses from grades 4 - 7 memory work
May 04 - any two verses from grades 4 - 7 memory work

May 11 - list the first 20 books of the Old Testament
May 18 - list ALL the books of the Old Testament
May 25 - list ALL 27 books of the New Testament

June 02 - TBA
June 08 - TBA
June 15 - no Bible memory
June 22 - no Bible memory

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Free Hugs

In case you were wondering what the grade fives were doing at our door this afternoon.

Be careful little fingers what you type...

A gentle reminder that ALL comments left on the blog should be constructive and uplifting. Sometimes it's hard to take back typed (or spoken!) words.
I hope this blog continues to be a useful and loving site.

ANCIENT EGYPT - coming soon!

Very soon we will be starting our unit on ANCIENT EGYPT. If you would like to have a preview of what we're studying, check out:

Mysteries of Egypt
The British Museum
Ancient Egypt Culture Exhibit
Treasures of Egypt

Happy surfing!

Ecosystems Test

We have an ECOSYSTEMS test coming up on the 24th. The students were given a "goldenrod" (yellow-orange) review sheet in class. I have created a more detailed review and posted it HERE. Good luck. (Answers will be posted just before the actual test.)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Of couse, this is a great thing to have on the BLOG. You will find some over on the side.
While I will not be posting regular homework assignments here, I will do my very best to post larger assignments, quizzes, and tests. I will also look for a way to post test reviews online. Stay tuned!
Thanks for the feedback. You see, it works!

Friday, October 06, 2006


- Jackson and Ella, for whom I am deeply thankful -
It's Thanksgiving in a couple of days.
What are you thankful for? How are you expressing it?

On Wednesday, we (the 7c class) went around the room sharing the things that we are thankful for - moms and dads, friends, Surrey Christian School, hockey, pets, brothers and sisters, health, houses - the list went on and on. I don't think any students sat and struggled to come up with something, they knew - they know. We are a very richly blessed people. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Reifel Bird Santuary Fieldtrip

The pictures are up. Click HERE to see them.

Monday, October 02, 2006

tell me what you want, what you really really want

What would make this blog more useful for you? I was asked to add a coming events section, so you can now find that on the right. In the next little bit, I will add some key dates for the year - ski trips, sports tournaments, upcoming tests and new units, etc.

The more feedback I get, the more useful this site can become. What would you like? Leave a comment, or click on the "e-mail Mr. Campbell" link on the right. I will read and USE the comments to improve this blog.

thank you.

Monday, September 25, 2006

In efforts to reduce tardiness due to school busses being behind schedule, the our school bus system is conducting top-secret bus testing. I hope they buy this one.

thanks to Mr. Embree for the spy-video on this one

Comments, comments, comments...

Cool. I think I made it easier for people to leave comments on this blog - you no longer have to register to type something. Keep them coming. Keep them constructive.
I will award one group point for each member of a desk group that leaves a comment this week!

Friday, September 22, 2006

This is California Roll - I call her Cali. This is her story . . .

On the Thursday before school began, I was on my way out for a Sushi dinner (my favourite type of dinner) with Ms MacDonald, Mr Ferhout, and some other friends. We were sitting in the backyard and I heard a very high-pitched (almost "kitten-like" - go figure) squeak coming from over the fence. Further investigation led to the discovery of a VERY tiny kitten tucked between the neighbour's shed and some landscaping ties.

We assumed that this little feline belonged to the neighbour, but we were mistaken. With no home to be found, the kitty stayed with Ms MacDonald for a couple of weeks where it was bottle-fed, and generally overly cared for (thanks Ms Mac!!). Last week I became the proud caregiver of this beautiful and very energitic kitten. She is very healthy, litter-box trained (thanks Ms Mac!!) and "cuter" than the picture shows (my mom said she was a funny looking cat based on this picture).

My son Jackson suggested the names Bitey, Scratchy, Breaky, and Jumpy - all very telling of her "kitten-ish" nature. Since a dinner trip for Sushi resulted in her rescue, I thought it only fitting that her name be California Roll.

You heard it here first.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A couple of dates ahead . . .

Thursday, September 21 - Chapter 1 math quiz

Tuesday, September 26 - Reifel Bird Sanctuary field trip (THANKS DRIVERS!)

9 days in . . .
We are done our first full week! Our major units are into full swing, and summer seems but a speck in the rearview mirror (it's raining as I type this).

It was great to meet some of you at the "Parent Orientation Evening" (aka - Meet the Teacher). If you were not able to attend, you lost out on great door prizes, live music, and a chance to pet a real giraffe. (OK, none of those things are true, but we did laugh a little - mostly at Mr. Hanlon). Always know that you are welcome to call, e-mail, or come and visit the classroom.

I have been very impressed with this class. They are a kind, giving, and very neighbourly group of students, and I can tell that we're going to have a great year together.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

On Tuesday, September 26, we will be heading out to Westam Island to tour the Reifel Bird sanctuary. This migratory bird centre is not only beautiful and fun to visit, but educational too!
We will be leaving the school at 8:55 and our two-hour guided tour/lesson will begin at 10am. We should return to the school by 1pm (if raining) or 2pm (if sunny).
As we study begin a study of God's wonderful creation in ECOSYSTEMS, this field-trip is sure to enhance our understanding of what WE are called to do in caring for God's earth.

If you are able to drive on this day, please put a note in your child's planner as soon as possible. Thanks.
We are through one week of school and as I have communicated with the class, they are an outstanding group of students! Once again, I feel blessed to be working with a stellar group of young people at Surrey Christian.

Some may say that the first week of school is the "honeymoon" phase. Students want to put their best foot forward, teachers have more patience and energy after summer break. While this may be true to some degree, I know that this class will continue to work and play well together.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hello and welcome to the 7c-SCS blog. My hope is that this site will be a valuable resource for the parents and students of grade 7c. If you like the idea of using a website to gather information about what's going on in class, be sure to leave a comment. The more people that are in favour of this, the more useful I will make it.

So again, welcome to 7C! This is going to be a great year.