On the Thursday before school began, I was on my way out for a Sushi dinner (my favourite type of dinner) with Ms MacDonald, Mr Ferhout, and some other friends. We were sitting in the backyard and I heard a very high-pitched (almost "kitten-like" - go figure) squeak coming from over the fence. Further investigation led to the discovery of a VERY tiny kitten tucked between the neighbour's shed and some landscaping ties.
We assumed that this little feline belonged to the neighbour, but we were mistaken. With no home to be found, the kitty stayed with Ms MacDonald for a couple of weeks where it was bottle-fed, and generally overly cared for (thanks Ms Mac!!). Last week I became the proud caregiver of this beautiful and very energitic kitten. She is very healthy, litter-box trained (thanks Ms Mac!!) and "cuter" than the picture shows (my mom said she was a funny looking cat based on this picture).
My son Jackson suggested the names Bitey, Scratchy, Breaky, and Jumpy - all very telling of her "kitten-ish" nature. Since a dinner trip for Sushi resulted in her rescue, I thought it only fitting that her name be California Roll.
You heard it here first.